10 Most Laughable Monster Movies

2. Night Of The Lepus (Rabbits)

If this movie was any better, we might consider it being art. After all, it can't be easy to depict domestic rabbits as murderous monsters hell bent on eating humans. As it seems, the people who worked on this movie weren't able to do so. The highlight of this feature are the many slow-motion scenes of giant 'lepuses' (as the greeks knew them) running through miniature town sets with ketchup smeared over their mouths. If it wasn't for the absolutely frightening close-ups of rabbits showing their teeth, one could consider this movie somewhat of a comedy. It's not, really, and the giant mutant killer lepuses are supposed to be extremely dangerous and hungry. Oh, right, they were created as a side-experiment for something. You know how these plots go. It feels as if the creators of this film actually wanted to make a point about something, but it got lost right at the beginning. There is a news report where real-life footage of farmers trying to round up a huge number of rabbits is shown, and if MGM didn't shoehorn the entire commentary on war and environmental protection into that single report, this could have meant something. As it stands now, Night Of The Lepus is like one of those bad flicks you'd see on TV in another, better movie.
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An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.