10 Least Deserving Oscar Winners Ever

7. Suicide Squad: Best Make-Up

Crash Matt Dillon Thandie Newton
Warner Bros.

'Academy Award winner Suicide Squad' doesn't sound right and yet, here we are. Defeating A Man Called Ove and Star Trek Beyond, David Ayers' widely panned supervillain flick took on new life as a meme. "Suicide Squad has more Oscars than..." became a widely parroted gag at the expense of more celebrated (yet winless) films, actors and directors out there.

The make-up and hair in Suicide Squad is mostly among the film's stronger points. That being said, it doesn't hold up to the elite level use of prosthetics and appearance-altering goodness served up in Star Trek Beyond. The Joker's hideous tattoos turned Jared Leto into a laughing stock before release time and Killer Croc's head looks unhealthily large for his body. The incandescent colouring of several characters proves especially jarring against the film's muted colours landscape also.

Winners Alessandro Bertolazzi, Giorgio Gregorini and Christopher Nelson let their imaginations run wild for the DC disappointment. While they deserve an A for effort, the results were, at best, mixed with several characters looking more ridiculous than menacing. An odd choice of winner, it means the DCEU beat the MCU to its first Oscar, the first of few victories in its war against the Disney juggernaut.

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