4. Blake Has A Real Eye For Faces
Can you tell who that is? Well there's one man who can. In the introduction I explained away the ridiculousness of Blake knowing Bruce Wayne was Batman entirely using logic the film does. For me, the really unbelievable face skill he has is shown in a later scene. When trying to find Bruce Wayne after Batmans grubbing by Bane he happens across Selina Kyle and immediately recognises her from a brief glance he got in the middle of a gunfight a few weeks ago. Ignoring the coincidence of it all (I'm not allowed to believe in coincidence), isn't this a little convenient. Blake gets a quick glance of Kyle dressed completely differently, with a fresh hairstyle and an oversized hat and know's immediately she's up to something nefarious. I know hes soon going to take on the mantle of the worlds greatest detective, but even Sherlock Holmes would be forgiven for missing this one. Blakes arc was the freshest surprise of The Dark Knight Rises. A totally Nolan character he was a mystery - there was enough to point towards his caped destiny, but it was downplayed to make the final scene all the more satisfying. And because of that I can just about overlook his seeming superpower.