10 Lesser Known Film Fan Theories That Might Actually Be True

2. Monsters Fear Human Contact Because Of The Black Plague - Monsters Inc.

The Theory: The monsters are so averse to human contact because they first interacted with humans during the Black Death, which caused a mass epidemic in the monster world. Why It Might Be True: Strap in for this one. Redditor Calabim suggests it's all laid out: several hundred years ago, the technologically advanced monsters developed the means to enter the human world, and discovered that screams created a new energy source. The first monster to test this out came back to the monster world, but didn't realise he brought back a flea carrying the Black Plague, which naturally infected him, his family and quickly spread through the monster world. This explains why the monsters are so paranoid about being in contact with humans, and why hairy monsters get their fur all shaved off in the event they touch a human. But Why It Probably Isn't: The main reason is that a flea probably wouldn't be able to pass on the Black Death to a creature as biologically dissimilar to humans as the monsters, so it's quite likely it would do nothing to them. Plus, if monsters can create interdimensional portals to the human world, their medicine is probably pretty damn good too.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.