10 Lesser Known Horror Movie Final Girls You Need To Know

7. Maddie - Hush

Revenge Matilda Lutz

With Mike Flanagan's tightly wound slasher film Hush recently being pulled off Netflix and not finding a new home as of yet, you couldn't really be blamed for failing to appreciate the brilliance of the movie and its unique Final Girl.

Maddie (Kate Siegel) is a deaf-mute woman who finds herself targeted by a masked killer in her remote house in the woods, and while this setup could make Maddie a mere figure of vulnerability, her will to survive in spite of major natural disadvantages makes her incredibly easy to root for.

Of course, Maddie's lack of hearing absolutely puts her on the back foot more than most Final Girls, yet she's also able to use her heightened sensory perception in other areas to catch the killer unawares, ultimately allowing her to survive the night.

Bolstered by Kate Siegel's superb performance in the role, Maddie is at once a Final Girl who offers too-uncommon representation for the deaf community and a simply appealingly scrappy survivor by any measure.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.