10 Lesser Known Horror Movie Final Girls You Need To Know

6. Justine - Kristy

Revenge Matilda Lutz

The final and, well, only girl of 2014's criminally underrated horror-thriller Kristy is Justine (Haley Bennett), a young college student who finds herself targeted by a cult of killers while staying at her nearly empty campus over Thanksgiving break.

Justine is alone and grossly outnumbered by her extremely well-equipped and organised assailants, but in classic Final Girl fashion, she finds it within herself to turn the tables on her aggressors.

She uses a car to crush one of the cult members to death, drowns another in a swimming pool, beats another to death with a nailed baseball bat, and defeats end-boss Violet (Ashley Greene) by burning her alive.

That's... quite the impressive and varied body count for someone with no combat experience going up against a gang of folk who literally kill for kicks. 

Justine's transformation into a capable - if traumatised - badass is sold perfectly by Haley Bennett's outstanding performance in the lead role.

More horror fans desperately need to know about this one, because it's a doozy alright.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.