10 Lesser Known Horror Movies That Are 100% Worth Your Time

9. We're All Going to the World’s Fair

We're All Going to the World's Fair

We're All Going to the World’s Fair is a horror film like no other - a bewildering and challenging debut from writer-director Jane Schoenbrun, following a lonely teenage girl, Casey (Anna Cobb), who takes part in an online role-playing game with unnerving consequences.

If the setup might sound goofy, Schoenbrun evidently knows what she's doing, grounding her film less in the particulars of the maybe-supernatural happenings surrounding the game, and more in the pervasive loneliness of modern existence, where the isolated seek refuge with like-minded folk online.

Anna Cobb, in her first ever feature role, gives an astonishingly assured performance as Casey, sustaining interest even during the film's airier portions. 

This is categorically a "not for everyone" horror flick due to its unconventional, even experimental nature, but if you're prepared to plunge down the rabbit-hole with Schoenbrun and Cobb, this is one of the most daring and provocative low-budget horrors of recent years.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.