10 Lesser Known Movies To Look Forward To In 2017

5. The Discovery

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Indie sci-fi is blossoming at the minute, and it feels like it's going through the sort of purple patch that zombie movies went through a decade ago. This is most likely down to the fact that it’s the genre that is constantly being creative, perpetually innovating even when it fails. Indie sci-fi is full of the people who are taking the most chances as of right now.

Charlie Macdowell is one of these people. Cut from the same metaphysical cloth as Charlie Kaufmann and Spike Jonze, Macdowell’s latest work is apparently of a similar ilk to his recent romantic doppelganging effort ‘The One I Love’.

The Discovery takes place in the world a short time after the scientific discovery that there is an afterlife and the love story that burns amidst the plethora of people committing suicide to join their loved ones amidst the heavens.

It’s a Netflix original and it looks joyously dark and oozy. With a stacked cast featuring the likes of Rooney Mara, Jason Segel and Mark Duplass; The Discovery has all extenuating factors that could make it the true indie darling of 2017.

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Sometime Brummie with a love for tea, tequila and football teams that don't win a lot of games. Still don't really understand apostrophes.