10 Lessons The Live Action Avatar Series Could Learn From The 2010 Film

1. A Memorable Score

The Last Airbender movie

A huge disappointment with the film is its failure to show us the intricacies and details of the original's world. Every location was generic and bland. Just have a look at what Peter Jackson and co did with Tolkien's world, and you'll see what a missed opportunity this was. Watching these movies, you'll hear the importance of music.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy (and to a lesser extent, The Hobbit) is a great example of how music can be used to breathe life into locations. The clashing of steel drums to represent the industrial Isengard, and the gentle the pan flute melodies when we're in the Shire - all of these brought the world to life.

To be fair, the The Last Airbender film sped by so quickly we didn't get a chance to experience the world in any sense - never mind musical leitmotifs. With such a drawn out series, though, we can only hope it'll have a cracking score. And with original composer Jeremy Zuckerman back on board, it looks like this lesson has been learned.

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An all round nerd from North Wales.