10 Lessons The Live Action Avatar Series Could Learn From The 2010 Film

2. Name Pronunciations

The Last Airbender movie

There's a video on YouTube in which Dante Brasco, who voiced Zuko in the original series, makes a great point about the changes in name pronunciations for the movie.

If you're going to elongate the vowels, turning Aang into "Arng", and Sokka to "Souka" to give it a more authentically Asian feel, then why whitewash the cast? It's a good point. It's like M. Night Shyamalan was desperately trying to make up for his casting blunder.

It's grating for other reasons too, especially for fans of the series, mainly because, well, it's wrong. That's not what their names sound like. If it were an adaptation from a book, there would be room for interpretation, but this isn't. All you have to do is watch the source material, and you can hear the correct pronunciations.

A note for creators of the new series - don't try anything clever like this.

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An all round nerd from North Wales.