10 Lessons The Live Action Avatar Series Could Learn From The 2010 Film

7. Keep The Original's Humour

The Last Airbender movie
Nickelodeon Animation Studio

It becomes glaringly obvious from the start of the film that these characters are missing a vital trait they had in the series. It was the trait that made us love them, and what made the show as joyous as it was. In the film, none of the characters had a sense of humour.

Shyamalan tried a few slapstick moments, but every one fell flat. It's quite possibly that nobody ever laughed once at it. Sokka seems more broody than Zuko, which is ridiculous - his goofiness and one-liners should be a part of his psyche.

The lightheartedness and humour were part of the series' charm. If anything, it made the darker moments more touching - especially the scenes with Iroh, who turns from comic relief to possibly the the most poignant character.

His tragic backstory is a passing reference in the film, but a shocking revelation in the series. That this funny and quirky old man has such a tragic past is, well, sobering to say the least.

Alas, in the film he isn't funny or quirky. Nobody is. Light and shade is necessary in making this story work, not just a huge dose of shade.

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An all round nerd from North Wales.