10 Lies Told In Recent Movie Trailers
9. The T-Rexes Have A Major Role - 65
On paper, new sci-fi survival flick 65 had a pretty neat hook - Adam Driver crash-lands on prehistoric Earth and faces off against dinosaurs while totting a host of advanced weaponry. Cool, right?
The trailers placed a particularly strong emphasis on a T-Rex which appeared to be the primary antagonist of Driver's hero Mills. But while 65 features plenty of dinosaurs throughout its runtime, the T-Rexes play only a tiny role.
Mills encounters two T-Rexes and a similar, T-Rex-looking creature, but all in all they've got a combined screen time of around 10 minutes throughout the tight 93-minute movie, ensuring anyone hype for Adam Driver vs. T-Rexes was left colossally short-changed.
Granted, Sony clearly knew 65 a) wasn't very good and b) was tracking to tank at the box office, so they threw all their marketing might into playing-up its coolest aspect, even if the T-Rexes had only a brief innings in the final movie itself.