10 Lies Told In Recent Movie Trailers

9. The T-Rexes Have A Major Role - 65

Shazam Fury of the Gods Wonder Woman
Sony Pictures Releasing

On paper, new sci-fi survival flick 65 had a pretty neat hook - Adam Driver crash-lands on prehistoric Earth and faces off against dinosaurs while totting a host of advanced weaponry. Cool, right?

The trailers placed a particularly strong emphasis on a T-Rex which appeared to be the primary antagonist of Driver's hero Mills. But while 65 features plenty of dinosaurs throughout its runtime, the T-Rexes play only a tiny role.

Mills encounters two T-Rexes and a similar, T-Rex-looking creature, but all in all they've got a combined screen time of around 10 minutes throughout the tight 93-minute movie, ensuring anyone hype for Adam Driver vs. T-Rexes was left colossally short-changed.

Granted, Sony clearly knew 65 a) wasn't very good and b) was tracking to tank at the box office, so they threw all their marketing might into playing-up its coolest aspect, even if the T-Rexes had only a brief innings in the final movie itself.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.