10 Little Known Facts About Your Favourite Christmas Films

1. The Film Was Shot In The Middle Of A Heat Wave - It€™s Wonderful A Life

It€™s a struggle to discuss It€™s A Wonderful Life without devolving into an endless stream of gibbering adoration for this damn near perfect film. It€™s a joyous story that sets the scope wide on the entire life of George Bailey, a regular guy who dreams of escaping him small hometown of Bedford Falls, but remains trapped their out of good, honest duty. The ending is at least as iconic as Scrooge€™s redemption and, thanks to the unequalled Jimmy Stewart, even more poignant. Straining to keep on topic, a film crafted by such a master as Frank Capra at his height is sure have had an unbelievably creative production. There€™s countless stories of Capra going to crazy lengths to get a scene; Frank Albertson, who plays Sam Wainwright, was recording his lines on another set so he could actually be on the other end of the phone during George and Mary€™s confession of love, while a whole new method for on screen snow was created so the actor€™s lines could be heard (the previous method, corn flakes painted white, naturally proved too noisy). The fake snow must have proven pretty disorienting for the cast; in one strange element of production Capra couldn't really influence, the film was shot in the middle of a heat wave. So not only was George Bailey stuck in both an existential crisis and Bedford Falls, he was trapped in a stifling heat too. Now that€™s acting. Got any more cool facts you want to share? As always go down to the comments and spread some Yuletide cheer.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.