10 Little Known Superhero Teams That Could Make Marvel Millions

1. Midnight Sons

Captain Marvel Alpha Flight
Marvel Comics/Greg Smallwood

Even within the world of Marvel's comics the Midnight Sons don't receive much recognition. Other than a brief cross-series event in the nineties the team haven't really had much of a presence, something which everyone suddenly realised was a bad thing when Greg Smallwood released a concept for a new series on Twitter the other year.

The pieces Smallwood produced really sold fans on how badass such a team would be; you only really have to look at the roster to see just how awesome it would be to witness these (anti-)heroes unite, with the group including Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider, Blade, the Punisher, Moon Knight and even lesser known characters like Hellstrom and Jennifer Kale.

Simply put, this is a fantastic line-up - one which definitely needs it's own comic book series at the very least - but should also be in mainstream Marvel's plans for the future as well.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!