10 Little Known Superhero Teams That Could Make Marvel Millions

2. Asgardians Of The Galaxy

Captain Marvel Alpha Flight
Marvel Comics

With the future of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie series still up in the air, and the fanfare surrounding the supporting cast of Thor Ragnarok, it would be foolish of Marvel to not turn the following concept into something on the big screen.

In the event that a Asgardians of the Galaxy film does come into fruition, it would likely differ from the recent comic book version, with much of the roster either being dead or just not in the MCU.

That doesn't really matter ultimately, with the utterly brilliant set of characters that could be on the team (the likes of Korg, Valkyrie and perhaps even Thor himself could feature) ensuring the idea has plenty of potential. Throw in the addition of another of Thor's siblings, Angela, and you have a team that would ensure Asgard's presence was still felt years on from its destruction.

Get Taika Waiti to direct, and you have a wonderful follow-up to Ragnarok.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!