10 Little Known Superhero Teams That Could Make Marvel Millions

5. Thunderbolts

Captain Marvel Alpha Flight
Marvel Comics

You can really boil down the Thunderbolts down into one, short phrase: Marvel's version of the Suicide Squad.

Sure, the team has evolved over the years, with it having swapped out full-on villains for anti-heroes, but the basic premise is still the same - that being characters who aren't considered to be heroes by citizens of the Marvel Universe doing the dirty work of the US government. Whatever the case, they're pretty darn enjoyable to read about.

The two incarnations of the group that are the most likely to be put on-screen are the one led by Norman Osborn - made up of classic villains such as Bullseye -and secondly General Ross' band of ragtags depicted in the image above, which depended upon the talents of Punisher, Deadpool and Venom, to name but three.

Which version will be adapted? Well, that simply depends on which direction Marvel wants to take the MCU in, but if they are looking to bring the Secret Invasion and Dark Avengers tales to the big screen, then Osborn's team would likely be the better choice (despite how brilliant it would be to see Deadpool and the Punisher join forces on-screen).


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!