10 Little Known Superhero Teams That Could Make Marvel Millions

4. Marvel Knights

Captain Marvel Alpha Flight
Marvel Comics

With the cancellations of Marvel's Netflix shows are still painfully fresh in everyone's minds, seeing a group that would reunite Charlie Cox's Daredevil, Jon Bernthal's Punisher and Elodie Yung's Elektra on the big screen would simply be wonderful; add in Black Panther as well, and you have many fans' ideal movie.

Much like any of the other teams that have featured characters from the Netflix roster, it would likely be quite a wait if the Knights were to be formed in the MCU. With such a line-up to call upon though, it would also likely be worth any such wait.

And with Black Widow also having been a part of this group at points, seeing the character interact with her on and off partner, Daredevil, may also finally be within the realms of possibility.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!