10 Little Known X-Men Who Could Make Marvel Millions

1. Northstar

Northstar Marvel
Marvel Comics

The fact that Jean-Paul Beaubier hasn't appeared in any X-Men movies to date and frickin' Pyro has is a travesty that needs to be rectified post-haste. The mutant who can fly at light speed (almost), and has super-human stamina, endurance, and reflexes is one character that needs to find his way into any expanded universe that Marvel intends to create.

With a rich back story and enough tales to fill a warehouse as well as four or five movies, Northstar could be the breakout star if given the chance, and if they have to bring Wolverine back, then having him brainwashed by Hydra and thrown into a fight to the death with Jean-Paul would make for must-see viewing.

He would also make a perfect choice to fill Cyclops' shoes if the X-Men need a new leader, and there is always the chance of an Alpha Flight spin-off if Northstar makes his long overdue debut.

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