All 10 Live-Action Movie Batsuits - Ranked From Worst To Best

1. The Dark Knight/The Dark Knight Rises (2008-12)

Christian Bale became the first big-screen Batman since Adam West, 42 years prior, to be able to turn his head while wearing the Batsuit. A more streamlined, realistic and grounded design than anything that had come before yet one that isn't without its detractors, Christopher Nolan's second iteration of the Batsuit became the most practical design yet. Instead of the bulky moulded costumes that had almost become synonymous with the franchise, The Dark Knight saw Batman clad in a polyester mesh bodysuit that was covered in over 100 separate armor platings to create a lighter, more flexible suit to give the character greater mobility. The design of the cape remained the same but the cowl was given a more angular, animalistic look that would be sufficient to terrify criminals even without the gravel-gargling Bat-voice. Despite the Nolan trilogy's more serious take on the material, this Batsuit is surprisingly gadget-heavy. The cowl is charged with an electrical current to stop anyone removing it as well as built-in sonar vision, while the suit also features a pneumatic device that can bend gun barrels and slice through car doors, and the gauntlet blades now double as projectiles. On top of all that, the Caped Crusader wields a sticky-bomb gun, and an EMP rifle on top of the classic Bat-gadgets like the Batarang and grappling gun. Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.
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