All 10 Live-Action Movie Batsuits - Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Batman (1989)

When Tim Burton took on the job of bringing a darker, more serious Batman adaptation to the big-screen, the young director wisely decided that the easiest way to do that was to stay as far away from the underpants and spandex combination that blighted previous incarnations. What we got was Michael Keaton in a costume fit for a Dark Knight. In keeping with the director's vision, the jet-black suit makes for an intimidating Batman, as seen when the character is first glimpsed in the movie as an ominous silhouette. The darkness of the costume is broken up by the yellow utility belt and bat insignia on the chest, with the costume's bulky armored look increasing the stature of the normally-proportioned lead actor. This Batsuit looks great, but wasn't without its flaws. It was made from a heavy foam rubber that greatly restricted both Keaton's hearing and his movements, and watching the movie now it is clear that wearing such a dense costume was a struggle as Batman is sometimes clunky and unwieldy when in motion. However, Burton and production designer Bob Ringwood went through 28 designs and $250,000 to deliver an instantly-iconic costume that remains enduringly popular to this day.
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