All 10 Live-Action Movie Batsuits - Ranked From Worst To Best

10. Columbia Pictures Serials (1943-49)

Batman's very first live-action appearance came with the release of a 15 part serial in 1943, with Lewis Wilson under the cowl. A product of its time, some of the content is borderline racist when viewed today, but the series was successful enough to spawn a sequel of sorts six years later, this time with Robert Lowery taking over as the Caped Crusader. Even when judging it by the standards of the time period, this Batsuit is laughable to say the least. Looking more like some terrible cosplay than a believable Batman, there is nothing redeemable about the costume. The cowl doesn't fit, the flimsy material makes the pointed ears stick out at strange angles, and the massive underpants aren't particularly flattering. Not to mention that the actors playing the Dark Knight aren't in the greatest shape, which is pretty noticeable when you're stuffed into a costume that tight. The 1943 serial is notable for introducing the Batcave into the character's mythology, but there isn't much gadgetry to be found hidden in the Batsuit's over-sized shiny utility belt. However, at one point in the 1949 serial Batman does conjure a fully-sized blowtorch out of thin air that we're to believe he had stashed on his person. If that sounds ridiculous, remember that the serial also shows the Batsignal shining in broad daylight.
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