All 10 Live-Action Movie Batsuits - Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Arctic Suit - Batman & Robin (1997)

The Batman franchise completed its descent from dark Gothicism to high-camp farce with Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin, a movie so poorly-received that it sent the character into an eight-year exile from cinema screens. A costume that was purely fashion over function, the Arctic Batsuit was as preposterous and overblown as the movie itself. At least Batman wasn't alone in looking this stupid, as Robin and Batgirl were also given shiny new upgrades amidst the barrage of corny one-liners and gratuitous butt-shots that plagued the movie. For a character known as the Dark Knight, this costume is awfully brightly colored. The Arctic Batsuit apparently has some use in combating the effects of the Mr. Freeze, but its never actually explained during the movie. The most likely use of the silver-accented costume is as a blatant effort to shift merchandise as the franchise became infuriatingly toyetic. Hopefully audiences will never have to witness Batman sporting a giant silver codpiece ever again.
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