1. John Matrix Plants Bombs Outside...Which Explode From The Inside - Commando
Commando is one of the greatest action films ever made, featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger at his log-carrying, phone booth-twirling, wise-cracking best, and the wonderful finale has his character, John Matrix, travelling to a non-descript island to essentially turn the fleet of guards stationed there into hunks of bloody, meaty paste. Arnie begins by surreptitiously offing a few guards around the facility while planting bombs on all of the main buildings and structures, like it's a game of Metal Gear Solid, before letting loose and blowing them all to kingdom come. It's awesome to watch, but a keen-eyed viewer might notice that, despite Matrix planting the mines outside, the detonations all occur from the inside, sending the debris exploding outward, which absolutely would not happen in real life. Would it have killed the demolition team to get this little detail right? Which plausibly-divorced action scene do you enjoy the most? Let us know in the comments below.