10 Major Comic Book Conflicts We Expect To See In Future Marvel Movies

1. Avengers Vs Masters Of Evil (Avengers #277)

Really, there haven't been any truly major comic book arcs in which the Avengers and the Masters of Evil have duked it out - so we've just plucked one out at random from a single issue here - but any movie in which the two teams battled each other would be great (not that we've even got a Masters of Evil in the Marvel Cinematic Universe yet, but we'd love to see the likes of Loki, Abomination, Red Skull, Baron Strucker and Ultron teaming up in the future!). Anyway, to explain what happens in this particular issue, Baron Helmut Zemo (who could easily be brought in to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a member of HYDRA, thanks to his links to the Nazi party and the Red Skull) puts together a team of super-powered villains with the aim of bringing down the Avengers. As a master strategist, Zemo was able to lead his team in to taking over the Avengers mansion (which could be replaced by the Avengers Tower in a potential movie conflict between the two teams) and plays on the Avenger's relationships in order to pick them off one by one. In the comic, the team beat Hercules to a pulp and put him in a coma - if Hercules was to be replaced by Thor in that scenario for a movie version of this particular story, it would certainly emphasise just how powerful and how much of a threat the Masters of Evil were. The final fight of the conflict is between Baron Zemo and Captain America - and it takes place on a rooftop. Perhaps it could take place on top of the Avengers Tower for a spectacular finish in a movie version. Regardless, we really want to see the Avengers taking on a team of villains on screen and the Masters of Evil are certainly the ones we most expect to see soon. So there you have it - ten major comic book conflicts we expect to see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Did you like this article? Do you agree with the entries in the list? Which other epic comic book conflicts would you like to see depicted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.