10 Major Horror Movie Reveals That Should Have Come At The Beginning

1. The Present Day Setting - The Village

The Village Ivy Bryce Dallas Howard
Buena Vista Pictures

M. Night Shyamalan's The Village is considered the turning point for the director's career. While The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Signs were sure-fire hits, his next effort is when the cracks started to show. This is best seen in the film's twist, which divided audiences everywhere; some loved it while others hated it.

You see, the picture presents itself as a historical horror movie set in a 19th century village. But by the end of the movie, protagonist Ivy discovers that her home is built on a lie; the village was founded in the 1970s in a world where technology and modern medicine exist. This twist rendered the supernatural scares moot.

Had the reveal been earlier, however, now that's a different story.

The concept of creating a historical village free from the outside world is already an interesting idea as it also would have added conflict to Ivy's character. Because she was blind due to the lack of medicine, finding out that she lived in a world where she could have been cured would have been an interesting direction for the story.

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