10 Major Movie Characters Given Nothing To Do In The Sequel

4. Jennifer Parker - Back To The Future Part II & III

Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania Hope

Though Marty McFly's (Michael J. Fox) girlfriend Jennifer (Claudia Wells) wasn't exactly a major major character in Back to the Future, the movie's cliffhanger ending nevertheless established her as a permanent fixture in Marty's life, while implying that she would be joining Marty and Doc (Christopher Lloyd) on the mission to save their children from grim fates.

But Back to the Future Part II dispenses with Jennifer (now played by Elisabeth Shue) with an almost hilarious efficiency, as shortly after arriving in the future of 2015, Doc renders her unconscious in order to prevent her from learning too much about the future.

She briefly wakes up, only to faint upon encountering her 2015 self, at which point Marty and Doc return her to 1985 and dump her, still unconscious, on her front porch.

And... that's the last we see of Jennifer until the end of Back to the Future Part III, where Marty returns to 1985 with their kids' fates averted.

Hell, even filmmakers Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale admitted on the trilogy's DVD commentary that they didn't know what to do with Jennifer in the sequels, and if they'd thought things through more they would've never had her get into the DeLorean with Marty and Doc at the end of the first movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.