10 Major Movie Franchise Reveals Found In Spin-Offs

7. Why The Terminators Look Like Arnold - Terminator

Star Wars boba fett
C2 Pictures

While Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines may not have been worth the twelve-year wait, it was still a fun romp with a terrific twist ending. The same can’t be said for the tie-in video game, which was a dull, buggy first person shooter that sold itself on featuring Arnie’s likeness and voice.

It was crap, basically, but it did contain a bonus cut scene from the movie that revealed why Skynet modelled their cyborgs on a muscle-bound Austrian dude. It turns out the life model was based on Sergeant Candy, who in this bonus scene is played by Arnie dubbed with a silly American accent. The military officials like the look, but hate the voice, leading to a technician – dubbed with Arnie’s voice – stating they can "fix it."

It’s a goofy scene for sure, but it explains the Terminators look in a fun way, and fans seem to dig it.

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