10 Major Movie Spoilers Of 2015 We Already Know About

2. Luke Skywalker Has A Big Hand In The Plot - Star Wars Episode VII

If there's one film that stands a chance of beating Avengers: Age of Ultron at the box office in 2015, it's Star Wars: Episode VII. Despite raking in a small fortune for George Lucas and Co. the prequels left a bitter taste in the mouths of many fans, and J J Abrams is perhaps our only hope at salvaging the franchise and truly returning it to its former glory. Featuring a range of characters from the original trilogy, nods to the previous movies are bound to crop up in Episode VII, and recent rumours certainly point towards Luke Skywalker playing a significant role in the storyline. Indeed, a recent tweet from production company Bad Robot showing a robotic hand holding a piece of paper has had the internet in a buzz over the possible implications for the plot, with many believing that this resembles the prosthetic hand fitted to Skywalker in The Empire Stikes Back after his very revealing encounter with Darth Vader. A persistent rumour is that newcomer to the series Daisy Ridley's character discovers the hand - and Luke's lightsabre - and sets out to track the Jedi down. Whether or not this turns out to be true, images of a bearded Mark Hamill have certainly whet the appetite for fans around the world eager to see the iconic character back on the screen.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.