10 Major Plot Predictions For Captain Marvel

1. Carol Brokers The Peace Ronan Breaks In Guardians Of The Galaxy

Captain Marvel
Marvel Comics

When Carol Danvers was reinvented as Captain Marvel in 2013 by Kelly Sue DeConnick, the character became an intergalactic diplomat of sorts. She fought with the Guardians of the Galaxy, fought space tyrants (including Thanos), and intervened in alien wars, refugee crises and political disputes all the time. Danvers is very much a figure of authority in the comics, and though many have been quick to hype up the Captain's connection to the upcoming Avengers 4, there could be another connection to a past Marvel work.

With both Ronan and Korath the Pursuer set to return in the film, Captain Marvel has two significant connections to 2014's Guardians of the Galaxy. Djimon Hounsou's character didn't exactly play an ancillary role, but Ronan did, with his first act being to test the peace recently made between the Kree Empire and Xandar by terrorising Xandarian outposts.

It's still unclear as to how much of Carol's life the film will show, but if it does illustrate her time in space in the years leading up to and during the first and second phases of the MCU, then it would make sense for her to occupy a key role in the galaxy. She's part Kree after all (at least, if the film follows her comic book origins), and in further reiterating the character's influence - even behind the scenes - having her influence the plot of Guardians (even if only partially), makes plenty of sense.

What do you think will happen in Captain Marvel? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.