10 Major Plot Predictions For Captain Marvel

2. Ronan Goes Rogue To Invade The Earth

Ronan The Accuser
Marvel Studios

With Captain Marvel said to be taking at least partial inspiration from 1971's seminal comics storyline, the Kree-Skrull War, it's likely that Ronan intends to conquer Earth in the film. His intentions are similar, if not decidedly more Silver Age-y in the comics, but it's likely that the film will illustrate the Kree Accuser's radicalisation in his attempts to claim Earth in the Kree Empire's war against the Skrulls.

When the character was introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy, he didn't exactly leave the biggest impact. Lee Pace didn't have much to work with and the character was ultimately discarded in the 'wasted MCU villains' pile, overshadowed entirely by the impending arrival of Thanos, and by other antagonists present in the franchise during its release. That said, Ronan's reputation precedes him right across the galaxy, and while the tyrant has clearly seceded from the core Kree contingent by the time the first Guardians film comes around, there's a story worth telling in how he came to garner such notoriety.

Captain Marvel is set two decades before Ronan attempted to conquer Xandar, and thus has the chance to reinvent the character and illustrate the burgeoning moments of his radicalisation. This will, of course, bring him into conflict with Mar-Vell, Danvers and S.H.I.E.L.D., and while the Roy Thomas comic introduced the character as the radical outcast he was in Guardians, filmmakers Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck have a real opportunity to reappraise Ronan in a worthwhile and meaningful manner.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.