10 Major Resolutions For DC Movies In 2017
1. Keep The Faith In The Joker

Perhaps I'm in the minority here but I actually would have preferred to see an undiluted version of Jared Leto's Joker, rather than the reduced love-lorn lapdog we got in the final cut of Suicide Squad. It was a different performance exploring more modern comic book interpretations of the character in a way that didn't step on the toes of Heath Ledger's superlative performance before it.
Sadly though, it didn't work for a lot of people - Warner Bros presumably being the top of that pile, despite him being so heavily featured in the marketing - and something has to be done. That doesn't mean we have to draw a line under Leto's performance and move on - it simply means someone actually needs to direct him.
Suicide Squad's Joker was a lesson in the dangers of unrestrained "creativity": Leto's antics overshadowed the film even before anyone saw any of his performance, and the end result was too odd and too turned up to ever work. But with a firmer guiding hand, better writing and stronger strength of will on the direction of the character and there's no reason he can't work again. And that would at least mean we don't lose Batman's most iconic villain before the pair have even really had a chance to play together.
What do you want to see from DC movies in 2017? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.