10 Major Resolutions For DC Movies In 2017
2. Actually Make Batman A Detective

Ben Affleck's action hero performance as Batman was good, and he definitely sold the idea of being enough of a brute to stand up to Superman, but he was never going to really blend in as Bruce Wayne was he? Imagine how long it would take for anyone with half a brain to put together that the most likely candidate for being The Dark Knight is probably the billionaire recluse who looks like he lives exclusively on steak and eggs and has a neck the size of a cow's?
The whole point of Bruce Wayne is that he blends in and he doesn't draw attention to himself in a way that lets his deception slip. For Christian Bale's version that went as far as assuming sociopathic traits, but it helped that he didn't look like he had the physique of a juiced pro wrestler.
That focus on physique also makes it way too easy for film-makers to forget that Batman is supposed to be the World's Greatest Detective, and yet pretty much none of his films have ever even remotely focused on that side of him. Fans are ready to see him flexing his brain muscles (or they wouldn't have bought into the Arkham games so heavily), and a change of pace would not only be great for fans, it would also cost significantly less than a purely action-heavy spectacle.