10 Major Thoughts Coming Out Of Avengers: Infinity War

6. But Some Minor Ones Pick Up The Slack

Marvel Studios

In a blockbuster featuring some of the most popular characters in all of cinema, Infinity War made a bold narrative choice in handing the dramatic heavy lifting to the relatively minor characters of Vision, Scarlet Witch and Gamora as opposed to the star-studded cast's A-listers. Unfortunately, not all of it works.

With Vision having increased screentime thanks to the Infinity Stone embedded in his forehead, the movie tries to make him more than just a plot point by having his and Wanda's relationship anchor the story, but the fact that most of that character development has happened off-screen makes it difficult to really invest in their emotional dilemma.

Gamora's arc works much better, and as the daughter of Thanos she ties much more neatly into the story while also providing several of Infinity War's major emotional beats. The fact that Thanos clearly has the upper hand in their mind-games makes it all the more powerful when he realizes he has to kill the only thing he ever loved in order to reach his objective.

With so many big-name characters to choose from, it is commendable that Infinity War wanted some of the MCU's unsung heroes to play pivotal roles in the story for a change, but it felt as though many of the movie's attempts to make these characters pull at your heartstrings missed the mark.


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