10 Marvel Characters Patrick Wilson Could Be In Ant-Man

4. Frank Castle/The Punisher

Punisher The Punisher is another character who's recently come back under the control of Marvel Studios. After a series of flop movies €“ Thomas Jane's 2004 Punisher and the straight-to-home-movie Ray Stevenson Punisher in 2008 €“ it would seem Punisher is an un-filmable character despite his enormous popularity in the comics. But there's a lot of potential with the character. A street level vigilante with a grudge against organised crime and the skills and weaponry to launch a one-man war against the mafia? It's a great storyline that we've yet to see realised as a great movie. Maybe that's why when Marvel were announcing TV shows, they left Punisher off because they want to give the character another shot with a new creative team behind him. As the 2012 Punisher short film, Dirty Laundry, starring Thomas Jane and Ron Perlman, shows, when you get the approach right, the results are amazing. How would Punisher tie into the Ant-Man movie? Cameo probably. Ant-Man encountering Punisher's brutal justice as he's learning to figure out his own powers. Plant the seed of the character and watch it flourish as Frank appears in other places, a TV series appearance here, another Marvel appearance there in an after-credits scene and then his own movie. Punisher could be an amazing franchise and with a high profile actor like Patrick Wilson as Frank Castle, it could be fourth time's the charm.

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