10 Marvel Characters Patrick Wilson Could Be In Ant-Man

5. Carl Creel/The Absorbing Man

AbsorbingMan Sticking with the villain theme, Wilson could play Carl "Crusher" Creel, a former boxer and criminal who drinks a magical potion from Loki and gains the ability to absorb the powers of anything he touches €“ gas, solid, or liquid. So if he touches titanium, his body takes on the attributes of titanium, and so on. Seeing as Ant-Man has body-changing super-powers, it'd be good to pair him against a character with similarly bizarre powers. Creel's also fought Ant-Man recently in the comics, when he attacked the Avengers Academy where Hank Pym was a teacher. Creel and Hank have a shape-changing fight, driving Creel insane with the constantly shifting mass. The Absorbing Man would be a great challenge for Ant-Man to face as well as a brilliant visual spectacle in the film (think the Sandman/Spider-Man fight in Spider-Man 3).

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