10 Marvel Characters That Should Be Made Female In The Movies

5. Iron Man

Robert Downey Jr. has become so synonymous with Tony Stark/Iron Man that it's mad to think of anyone else ever donning the red and gold armour and taking over the iconic role. However, he can't play the character forever, and the brand is too important and profitable to just shelve the Armoured Avenger for the foreseeable future when Downey Jr. moves on. What's the solution? Recasting is obviously one of them, and if Marvel does decide to go down that route, they're going to have to make sure that the new Tony Stark is vastly different to the previous iteration in order to avoid endless comparisons. Why not make him a her? This could work really well and would take the franchise in an exciting new direction. The real answer might just be right in front of Marvel's faces though. In the comics, Pepper Potts gets her own suit of armour and becomes Rescue. With a few tweaks (and probably a new leading lady; Gwyneth Paltrow isn't the biggest box office draw), Marvel could have a real hit on their hands, and could drop the "Rescue" moniker by just making Pepper the new Iron (Wo)Man. Marvel is all about taking risks, and they should definitely consider this one!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.