10 Marvel Characters That Should Be Made Female In The Movies

4. Wolverine

Hugh Jackman recently shocked the world by announcing that he will finally step down from the role of Wolverine after the fan-favourite character's third and final solo movie in 2017. Jackman's Wolverine was a vital part of all three X-Men movies, and after just a brief cameo in X-Men: First Class, Logan once again took on a starring role in X-Men: Days of Future Past last year. It's impossible to imagine Fox retiring the character, and unless they decide to introduce his son Daken and have him take over, expect them to eventually recast. That's going to be no easy feat though, and like Robert Downey Jr., Jackman isn't someone who can be easily replaced. Why not head in a surprising direction by making the next Wolverine a woman? It's really not that crazy of an idea, as Marvel's upcoming mini-reboot will see X-23 don his classic costume and take over as the new Wolverine moving forwards. Created by a different section of Weapon X, X-23 was cloned from Wolverine's damaged DNA and raised to be the perfect killing weapon. She was later mentored by Wolverine and Gambit (who will be played in 2016 by Channing Tatum in his own movie), and has since served as a key member of the X-Men. There's definitely potential with this direction.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.