10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters Who Are AWOL

8. Red Skull

Thor The Dark World Sif Clip

When Johann Shmidt was last seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he was being swallowed up by the Tesseract during Captain America: The First Avenger's final showdown. Where is he now? Nobody knows.

Anyone who knows their Marvel lore is probably aware that Red Skull was most likely spirited away to another part of the Multiverse, but whether he will ever reemerge to wreak Nazi havoc again is uncertain.

Presumably Marvel left his fate ambiguous to leave the door open for future outings, but Hugo Weaving's reluctance to reprise the role has likely put the kibosh on that.

Of course, there's always a chance they will recast the role, and this is a must if they can't convince Weaving to don the crimson mask again. Red Skull is the kind of in-depth bad guy who deserves more than one movie to flesh out his character arc, and he's easily Captain America's bitterest rival.

In the run-up to a new MCU movie, there are always rumours of a Shmidt cameo, and they always turn out to be BS. It was a shame this was the case in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, because that felt like the perfect opportunity to at least namedrop the villain, since Hydra's infiltration of SHIELD was his legacy.


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