10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters Who Are AWOL

7. Uncle Ben

Thor The Dark World Sif Clip
Sony Pictures

Spider-Man: Homecoming took place during Peter Parker's teenage years, so it can be excused for excluding iconic characters like J. Jonah Jameson and Norman Osborn. Spidey wouldn't have crossed paths with them at this stage in his life.

Uncle Ben is another matter entirely because he will have been a major part of Peter's early life, and his lectures in the merits of responsibility in positions of power should have been the foundation for Spider-Man's moral code.

Although Tony Stark shouldered the father figure role, Uncle Ben should have at least been given a passing mention, if not by Spidey then from his widow Aunt May.

Homecoming's writers Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley told Entertainment Weekly that they planned to include a scene where May mentions her husband while giving some of his old clothes to Peter for the graduation ball, so this is a character who clearly existed in the MCU's past.

Including Uncle Ben flashbacks may have felt like retreading old ground, but the man should be at least acknowledged in Homecoming's 2019 sequel.


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