10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters Who Are AWOL

5. Samuel Sterns

Thor The Dark World Sif Clip
Marvel Studios

It's almost as if The Incredible Hulk has been rendered non-canon in the MCU because Betty Ross isn't the only character it's swept under the rug. No doubt Marvel's intention was to give the big guy a series of films like Iron Man, Thor and co. have enjoyed, and this dangling plot thread would have been addressed in one of them.

Samuel Sterns's sole movie outing ended with him being exposed to Bruce Banner's blood, kicking off his transformation into the supervillain known as The Leader.

Marvel mopped up the mess this created in the digital comic series Fury's Big Week, which revealed that Natasha Romanoff later arrived on the scene, subdued the mutating doctor and handed him over to SHIELD, but the fans have every reason to wonder about what has happened to him since then.

What became of super-powered threats like him after SHIELD's collapse in Winter Soldier, and is there any chance of him breaking out from wherever he's imprisoned and causing the Avengers a few problems? Unlikely, since Marvel seems to have made every effort to pretend The Incredible Hulk never happened.


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