10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Easter Eggs That Led Nowhere

8. Confirmation Of The Real Mandarin's Existence

Marvel All Hail The King Ben Kingsley
Marvel Studios

After Iron Man 3 turned the hero's arch-nemesis The Mandarin into one big punchline delivered by Sir Ben Kingsley, Marvel Studios released another One-Shot as an apology of sorts to the purists who didn't get the joke.

All Hail the King appeared in Thor: The Dark World's Blu-ray extras and it had Kingsley reprise his role as washed-up actor Trevor Slattery, now serving a prison sentence for his crimes in Iron Man 3.

In this short film, it's confirmed that the Marvel Cinematic Universe does have a genuine Mandarin after all. He's at large somewhere and isn't best pleased that a two-bit cockney actor has been using his moniker.

That's pretty much the premise of All Hail the King, but Marvel has never built on this reveal. Could the real Mandarin be in the pipeline as a future Iron Man foe, or was this another joke for the fans? It's looking like the latter based on the evidence so far.


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