10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Fan Theories You Need To Know

1. This Weapon Will Defeat Thanos

Marvel Studios

With a fully-stocked Infinity Gauntlet on his side, Thanos is going to be damn near unstoppable, but there could be a weapon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that's capable of bringing him to his knees, and we may have already seen it.

There's a compelling fan theory which centres on that scene from Doctor Strange where Karl Mordo and the protagonist are in training. The former wields an item he describes as "the Staff of the Living Tribunal".

It seems like a throw-away line of dialogue but Mordo actually dropped a bombshell of nuclear proportions there.

As sharp members of the fan community have pointed out, the Living Tribunal is the second most powerful being in the Marvel Universe, a cosmic entity who is capable of repelling the Infinity Gauntlet without breaking a sweat.

Now, the name of that staff in Doctor Strange could be nothing more than an Easter egg, but don't be surprised to see it play a part in the Mad Titan's eventual downfall.

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