10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Fan Theories You Need To Know

2. Groot Is Actually A God

Marvel Studios

Don't let his severely limited vocabulary fool you, galactic guardian Groot is actually an immortal god-like being, if you subscribe to this fan theory.

Scores of Marvelites have jumped on the idea that the living tree spawned from Yggdrasil, the Marvel Cinematic Universe's mythical tree of life that was name dropped in Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor.

The Red Skull describes the sacred tree as guardian of wisdom and fate, while Thor explains that it connects all of the nine realms. So, basically, it's kind of a big deal.

The theory connecting Groot to Yggdrasil stems from his unknown origin and regenerative abilities. It was established in Guardians of the Galaxy that even a tiny piece of him will eventually regenerate into a new Groot, essentially making him immortal, not unlike a certain MCU tree.

It's been proposed that the Vin Diesel-voiced character originally sprouted from a piece of Yggdrasil that was planted on Earth, which would actually explain a lot.

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