10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Fan Theories You Need To Know

7. The Reality Stone Will Soft Reboot The MCU

Marvel Studios

Sticking with Thanos's cosmic gem collection and what it can do, the Reality Stone is the one with the potential to reshape the universe, and some fans believe Marvel will use it as a quick fix to one of its most pressing problems.

MCU mainstays including Robert Downey Jr (Iron Man) and Chris Evans (Captain America) are yet to renew their contracts beyond the untitled fourth Avengers movie and cannot play their parts indefinitely, as much as we'd like them to.

This is why many are tipping Marvel to usher in a soft reboot of its shared cinematic universe in the Infinity War sequel, with Thanos wielding the Reality Stone to shake things up, giving Marvel the opportunity to recast its key roles.

New versions of the old guard could head up the altered status quo, while more recent additions to the MCU retain their roles, providing they survive the events of Infinity War, which has cosmic blood bath written all over it.

It's a convenient fix to the problem of ageing actors and expiring contracts that actually has roots in comic book lore, but here's hoping Marvel will find Nick Fury-esque roles for Stark and Rogers behind the scenes in the new MCU.

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