10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Fan Theories You Need To Know

6. Rocket Was Created By The High Evolutionary

Marvel Studios

Guardians of the Galaxy is yet to delve into Rocket Raccoon's origin beyond a fleeting flashback, and this theory suggests there's a reason it's keeping its cards to its chest.

Some fans believe the mouthy critter was created by the High Evolutionary, a powerful being in the Marvel Comics universe, whose cosmic abilities are the result of extensive self-experimentation.

Also known as Herbert Edgar Wyndham, the High Evolutionary possesses everything from telepathy to energy manipulation abilities and he's actually god-like enough to face off against the likes of Thanos and Galactus.

So what does any of this have to do with Rocket? Well, Wyndham is also known to experiment on animals in the comics, accelerating their genetics to create hybrid creatures known as New Men.

This particular fan theory claims Rocket is a New Man, and that is within the realms of possibility since the High Evolutionary is the kind of heavy hitter the MCU's Phase 4 must introduce to up the ante after the war against Thanos.

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