10 Marvel Cinematic Universe Surprises The Trailers Ruined

8. Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 - Ego Is Star-Lord's Father

Captain America Civil War Giant Man Black Panther

Okay, so "I'm your dad, Peter" isn't exactly "Luke, I am your father", but this reveal should have been withheld until release day. Director James Gunn defended his decision to include it in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2's third trailer, insisting it doesn't qualify as a spoiler, but there are strong counterarguments here.

Firstly, the original Guardians goes out of its way to generate mystery around the identity of Star-Lord's father, so fans were keen to discover his identity.

And secondly, having Ego the Living Planet serve as Peter Quill's biological dad in the MCU is a departure from the comic books, in which he's the offspring of the humanoid-looking alien J’son, so this would have been a curveball for the diehards.

Granted, there are far worse spoilers Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 could have revealed during its promo campaign and all of its trailers were raucous cosmic fun, but the third one could have done with ending several seconds earlier.


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