10 Marvel Comic Storylines That Need To Be Put On Film

8. Panther's Rage

The announcement of a Black Panther film has us extremely excited, as it€™s something we€™ve been hoping for ever since vibranium was first mentioned in Captain America: The First Avenger. T€™Challa and his fictional nation of Wakanda (the most technologically advanced country in the world of the Marvel Universe) have a rich and storied history. What better place to start then with an adaptation of a story that truly brought the world of the Black Panther to life? In the 1970s, Don McGregor took over the writing duties of Jungle Action, a series that had focused on reprints of stories featuring white protagonists in African settings. Over the course of thirteen issues, McGregor wrote what could really be termed Marvel€™s first graphic novel, pioneering the art of multi-issue story-arcs. Panther€™s Rage not only further developed T€™Challa, but also focused extensively on the nation of Wakanda after it was ravaged by a revolution against T€™Challa, a revolution organized by Erik Killmonger. The series dove deep into T€™Challa€™s character and the kind of struggles he has to face as the ruler of Wakanda, struggles that set him apart from all the other superheroes in the Marvel Universe as someone truly unique.
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Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com