10 Marvel Comics You Must Read Before Phase 3

6. The Client

Phase 3 Infinity
Marvel Comics

Film: Black Panther (July 6, 2018)

Christopher Priest is one of the most influential forces upon Black Panther’s history and the debut collection of his run is the perfect introduction to the character, which could also easily work in a film setting. Put simply, it gives us a jungle warrior and take him out of the jungle.

Told from the POV of Everett K. Ross, a State Department Liaison to Wakanda, we see King T’Challa brought to New York as his enemies back home plan a coup. The story offers the requisite introduction to the world of Black Panther, and the characterization of the calm and collected lead character, which is especially pronounced when juxtaposed against the frantic, wordy Ross. There’s murder, there’s romance, and there’s a royal from a mysterious, technologically-advanced nation who the CIA can’t wait to spy on.

We know that Andy Serkis’s Klaw is likely to serve as a villain and he could be the one helping to orchestrate the coup. Likewise, T’Challa is said to be a prince in the film, so his return to overthrow the usurpers could result in him claiming the kingdom. Everything fits, and this seems like a very useful comic to learn about Black Panther.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.