10 Marvel Comics You Must Read Before Phase 3

5. The Surtur Saga

Phase 3 Infinity
Marvel Comics

Film: Thor: Ragnarok (November 3, 2017)

Walt Simonson’s epic run climaxed with The Surtur Saga, which picks up with Thor banished to Earth and his powers gone. Meanwhile, Odin discovers that the demon Surtur is seeking the Eternal Flame as a means to bring fire to the Nine Realms. On Earth, Thor seeks to stop Surtur’s passage to Asgard, and Odin tries to recruit Loki. In the end, Odin sacrifices himself and the brothers work together to banish Surtur.

A number of these plot points have been covered before, with the main character beats of Thor being banished, and Loki having to team up with him seen already. The story still works, however, and an invasion with the intent to end Asgard once and for all could work. If anything, they could swap Thor and Loki’s roles, having Thor accidentally release Surtur and Loki banished on Earth.

Comparatively, Matthew Avon Oeming’s Thor: Disassembled's epic scope and tone might work but specific plot points like Loki stealing the mould that made Mjolnir and giving it to Surtur to make more weapons, or the cycle of Ragnarok being implemented by god-like beings called Those Who Sit Above In Shadow are pretty weird. Ragnarok is a little darker than Marvel is known for, but hopefully they can mash up the two and legitimately destroy Asgard.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.