10 Marvel Movie Mistakes DC Will Undoubtedly Repeat

8. Deaths That Aren't Permanent

Marvel have been notoriously terrible for failing to kill off key characters permanently. Phil Coulson, Loki, Nick Fury, Thor and Pepper Potts are just a few examples of characters who are key to the plots of their respective movies - or who are just loved by audiences - that have "died" only to come back to life in one way or another later on. All this does is make movies predictable and safe and it takes away an element of excitement that only comes from knowing that a character you love could genuinely die. DC will do this in their movies - of that we are convinced. Superman has died so many times in the comic books, only to reappear, that it's inevitable - and he probably won't be the only one. Come on, DC, show Marvel how to display some balls!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.